Cheshire Wildlife Trust urge people to get closer to nature and have a wild summer.

Cheshire Wildlife Trust urge people to get closer to nature and have a wild summer.

This Mental Health Awareness Week Cheshire Wildlife Trust are urging people to sign up to their free nature challenge, 30 Days Wild, and start feeling the benefits of nature.

This year marks a milestone for The Wildlife Trusts’ flagship annual 30 Days Wild as it celebrates its 10th anniversary in June. The nature challenge has grown from 12,000 participants in its first year to over half a million last year alone. 30 Days Wild has helped people to get outside, enjoy and connect with nature as part of their every-day lives.  

Rachael Nellist, Wilder Lives Officer at Cheshire Wildlife Trust says: 

“Last year over 4,000 people across Cheshire took part in 30 Days Wild. It was wonderful to see so many people bringing nature into their lives and we know it’s a great way to feel happier and healthier.  

Your daily wild activities can be anything you like. You might be having breakfast with the birds on Monday, feeling the grass between your toes on Tuesday or watching wildlife webcams on Wednesday. The important thing is that you take a well-deserved moment for you. Whether you live in a quiet rural village or a busy town, there is so much to explore right here in Cheshire. I’ll be taking part by discovering urban wildlife in Stockport!” 

Taking part isn’t just good for nature, it’s good for us too. Research has consistently highlighted the positive impact of nature on well-being. A study found a significant increase in people's health, happiness, and connection to nature through participating in 30 Days Wild. People reported feeling more relaxed, reduced stress levels, and a greater motivation to protect wildlife which lasted long after the campaign ended. 

This June promises to be a bumper 30 Days Wild, which is supported by People’s Postcode Lottery. People of all ages and abilities are urged to participate and Cheshire Wildlife Trust are offering free herb seeds and inspirational guides to everyone who signs-up to do a small, wild thing every day during June. 

Sign up today